Content by Michelle Hamer (SANBI-FBIP, April 2020)
Purpose of the Online Workshop
This online workshop covers the main points for the submission of a successful FBIP proposal and serves to assist eligible researchers.
From the FBIP’s perspective:
- We want to improve the quality of proposals so that we can allocate all the funds available in a way that delivers on the Programme’s commitments.
- There is also a need to ensure that grants are spread across institutions, age groups, races and genders (in line with national targets).
2019: FBIP Inputs Grants awarded to date
One of the FBIP’s objectives is to ensure that grants are accessed by different institutions, and researchers representing different demographics.
- The bar graph below shows that:
- we have achieved this to some extent, but the grants are still predominantly allocated to some (certain) institutions.
- the success rate is not very high.
- institutions that submit more proposals have (received) more grants.

Structure of Online Workshop
Interactive hyperlinks…
Scope of the Foundational Biodiversity Information Programme (FBIP)
Special requirements of the FBIP
Key point 1 & 2: Scope of your project and the FBIP
Key point 3: Context of your project
Key point 5: Feasibility – the work plan and budget
Ethics and legal aspects of your work
Key point 6: Outputs and impacts