SABOL, the South African node of the International Barcode of Life (iBOL) was established in 2010, following a series of consultations and workshops dating as far back as 2006. DNA Barcoding, a method developed for rapid species identification based on a standardized gene region, has been adopted by many researchers and institutions across the country; with over 40 projects contributing to the DNA Barcoding initiative. These include several large collaborative projects funded both locally (e.g., by the FBIP) and internationally (e.g., by the International Research Development Centre, IDRC).
The ultimate aim of these projects is to contribute to the DNA Barcode reference library (Barcode of Life Data System, BOLD), to catalogue and identify all living organisms across the world. This database of genetic information is especially important for South Africa as it is used in many applications including (but are not limited to) identification of material in forensics case work for law enforcement, authentication in the food and nutraceutical industries, in agriculture and for research purposes.
It is therefore important that all South African efforts are coordinated to ensure maximum use of available resources, and that existing DNA barcode gaps are filled, enabling the establishment of a comprehensive library. DNA barcoding efforts in the country are coordinated by SABOL, funded by the Department of Science and Innovation through the FBIP.
Tittle | Full Name | Role | Institution | Unit | Email Address |
Dr | Mamadi Theresa Sethusa | SABOL Coordinator | South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) | Foundational Biodiversity Services - Research and Scientific Services, Biodiversity Science and Policy Advice | T.Sethusa@sanbi.org.za |
Dr | Monica Mwale | SABOL Secretariat | South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) | Wildlife Systematic Unit | M.Mwale@sanbi.org.za |
Mr | Ryan Rattray | SABOL Alternate Secretariat | University of Johannesburg | African Centre for DNA barcoding | ryanr@uj.ac.za |
Prof | Sandi Willows-Munro | SABOL Rep on FBIP Steering Committee | University of KwaZulu Natal | School of Life Sciences | Willows-munro@ukzn.ac.za |
Prof | Michelle van der Bank | SABOL Rep on iBOL Scientific Steering Committee | University of Johannesburg | African Centre for DNA barcoding | mvdbank@uj.ac.za |
Ms | Janine Baxter | Technical Support | South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) | Wildlife Systematic Unit | J.Baxter@sanbi.org.za |
DNA Barcoding Service Providers
DNA Barcoding Service Providers
Name of Institution | Type of Institution | Province | Type of Sequencing | Experience in DNA Barcoding | Support Staff Available (Yes/No) | Contact Person | Position | Contact Numbers | Contact Email | Webpage |
SANBI - Genetic Services Unit | Government research institution | Gauteng | Sanger Sequencing | From DNA extraction to data analysis | Yes | Seeng Thamae | Technician | 27 84 239 2202 | dnaservices@sanbi.org.za | https://www.sanbi.org/biodiversity/foundations/genetics-services/ |
UJ - African centre for DNA Barcoding | Academic institution | Gauteng | Sanger Sequencing | From sampling to DNA extraction to data analysis | Yes | Khanyi Shabangu | Lab Manager | 27 83 489 4258 | khanyisiles@uj.ac.za | https://www.acdb.co.za/ |
SAIAB - Genetics Lab | Government research institution | Eastern Cape | Sanger Sequencing, Next-Generation Sequencing | From DNA extraction to data analysis | Yes | Dr Gwynneth Matcher | Aquatics Genomics Research Platform (AGRP) Instrument Scientist | 27 46 603 5818 | G.Matcher@saiab.nrf.ac.za | https://saiab.ac.za/platforms/aquatic-genomics-research-platform-agrp/ |
University of KwaZulu-Natal - Consevation Genetics (Willows-Munro) Lab | Academic institution | Kwa-Zulu Nata | Sanger Sequencing, Next-Generation Sequencing | From sampling to DNA extraction to data analysis | No | Prof. Sandi Willows-Munro | Principle investigator | 27 33 260 5436 | willows-munro@ukzn.ac.za | |
Inqaba Biotec | Private research institution | Gauteng | Sanger Sequencing, Next-Generation Sequencing | From DNA extraction to data analysis | Yes | 27 12 343 5829 | info@inqababiotec.co.za | https://inqababiotec.co.za/ | ||
Stellenbosch University - von der Heyden Lab | Academic institution | Western Cape | Sanger Sequencing, Next-Generation Sequencing | From DNA extraction to data analysis | Yes | Sophie von der Heyden | Principal Investigator | 27 21 808 9321 | svdh@sun.ac.za | https://www.vonderheydenlab.com/ |