Jun 25, 2019 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
The FBIP invites post-graduate students working on foundational biodiversity information-related projects to take part in the joint BIMF-FBIP Forum (download announcement PDF). There is a limited amount of funding available to support students to participate in the...
Jun 21, 2019 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
Cape Town – A study, using genetic analysis, on the invasive Asian green mussel in South Africa has turned earlier reports on their head with an unexpected discovery. Biological invasions pose a significant threat to South Africa’s ecosystems and the services such as...
Jun 5, 2019 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
Pretoria – You are cordially invited to the joint BIMF-FBIP Forum which provides an opportunity for the foundational biodiversity information research and data community in South Africa to share information, discuss our practice and explore ways of improving the...
Jun 3, 2019 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
Pretoria – SAEON in partnership with the Foundational Biodiversity Information Programme (FBIP) will be offering a workshop for MSc and PhD students. Topics to be covered includes basic introduction to R as an analytical tool, R in taxonomy, statistical...
Jun 3, 2019 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
Pretoria – Postgraduate students are herewith invited to apply to attend a training workshop on marine parasite diversity in southern Africa and its application in fisheries management. The workshop will be offered by the University of Cape Town on 26 & 27...