Data sets

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Data sets

View 2013 Data sets
GrantholderGrant TypeTaxonomic GroupTitle of Project
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Prof Barker, N2013, SurveyPlantaeFloristic survey of the StormbergDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Matthee, C2013, SurveyAnimalia: Fleas, RodentsDiversity and distribution of fleas on rodents in South AfricaDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Assoc Prof Jacobs, K2013, SurveyMicrobesLinking ecosystem processes and soil microbial diversity in Rooibos and HoneybushDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Kerley, G2013, SurveyPlantaeIdentifying plant species in the diets of herbivoresDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Kirby, B2013, SurveyBacteria: ActinobacteriaActinobacterial diversity associated with rooibos plantsDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Dames, J2013, Small ProjectFungae, PlantaeFungal Root Endophytes of Selected Erica speciesDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Assoc Prof Goodman-Cron, G2013, Small ProjectPlantae: HelichrysumCryptic species in Helichrysum Group 4 due to polyploidy: taxonomic and ecological implications?Download FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Assoc Prof Jacobs, K2013, Small ProjectFungaeMycorrhizal associations of Erica hair roots in South African fynbosDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Meyers, P2013, Small ProjectBacteria: ActinobacteriaMolecular signatures to define members of the actinobacterial family StreptosporangiaceaeDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Roodt-Wilding, R2013, Small ProjectAnimalia: MolluscsScallop population geneticsDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Valverde, A2013, Small ProjectBacteriaUnveiling endophytic bacterial communities in the fynbos biomeDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Van Der Linde, E2013, Small ProjectFungi: MushroomsEstablishment of a fully data-based and barcoded collection of mushroom pathogens for South AfricaDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Van Noort, S2013, Small ProjectAnimalia: HymenopteraSystematics of South African Ichneumonidae (in part) (Hymenoptera) including production of interactiDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Witkowski, E2013, Small ProjectPlantae: African BoababOne mainland African baobab species or two? Implications for productivity and sustainable use.Download FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
View SeaKeys 2013 Data sets
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Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismIZIKO Marine Bony Fish (1884-2013)Download FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismIziko_Cartilaginous_Fish (seakeys project)Download FBIP Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismIZIKO-UCT:Historical Survey (1930-1980)Download FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismIziko_UCT_Historical Fish (seakeys project)Download FBIP Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismIZIKO-UCT:Historical Invertebrates (1930-1980)Download FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismSAEON: Historical Research Survey Database (1897-1949)Download FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismActinopterygii and Elasmobranchii occurrence record throughout South AfricaDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismActinopterygii and Elasmobranchii Occurrence record from estuary survey (seakeys project)Download FBIP Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismDigitised records of trawl survey by Hatanaka et al (1983) (seakeys project)Download FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismOffshore Benthic Macrofauna DataDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismDigitised records of trawl survey by Wallace et al (1984) (seakeys project)Download FBIP Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismAtlas of African EchinodermaDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr K SinkLarge GrantMarine OrganismMarine images from citizen science uploaded to iSpot for identificationDownload FBIP Data
View 2015 Data sets
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Prof Daniels, SR2015, Survey Freshwater prawnsSurvey of freshwater prawns in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-NatalDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Du Preez, LH2015, Survey AmphibiaAmphibian biodiversity and eco-tourismDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Barber-James, HM2015, Survey Macro-invertebrateTemporal and spatial variation in macro-invertebrate diversity in Kruger national Park riversDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Pietersen, G2015, Survey Buchu plantsTaxonomy and Candidatus Liberibacter status of South African buchu plantsDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Robertson, MP2015, Survey AntsSurveys to enhance effectiveness of ants as indicators of changeDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Van Asch, BJK2015, Survey Olive insect pests Genetic diversity of olive insect pests and their natural enemies in the Western CapeDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Van Noort, S2015, Survey Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants)Survey and systematics of South African Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants)Download FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Bytebier, BLG2015, Small Project Orchid genus Holothrix (DNA Barcoding Data set)Unlocking biodiversity information for the orchid genus HolothrixDownload FBIP Data (DNA Barcoding Data set)Download GBIF Data
Dr Bytebier, BLG2015, Small Project Orchid genus Holothrix (Specimen Digitizing Data set)Unlocking biodiversity information for the orchid genus HolothrixDownload FBIP Data (Specimen Digitizing Data set)Download GBIF Data
Dr Gazendam, I2015, Small Project VirusesIdentification of viruses infecting indigenous ornamental bulbous plants in South Africa using NGSDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Le Roes-Hill, M2015, Small Project ActinobacteriaActinobacterial diversity associated with South African peatlandsDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Maake, PA2015, Small Project Arachnid Arachnid biodiversity of the Tshivhase and Makumbani Tea Plantations, Limpopo ProvinceDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Makhalanyane, TP2015, Small Project Microbial communitiesWhat are the impacts of global climate change on arid soil microbial communities?Download FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Mr Millar, IM2015, Small Project Collection of InsectsCatalogue of type specimens in the South African National Collection of InsectsDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Van der Bank, M2015, Small Project ForbsA phylogenetic analysis of the origin and assembly of forbs in South African grassy biomes using DNADownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
View 2016 Data sets
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Dr Buschke, FT2016, Small ProjectButterflyThe effect of land-use on the butterfly diversity of ecological refugia within an agricultural landscapeDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Le Roux, MM2016, Small ProjectGrassland species of Thesium L. (Santalaceae)A taxonomic study of the grassland species of Thesium L. (Santalaceae)Download FBIP Data
Mr Mlambo, MC2016, Small ProjectInvertebratesInvertebrates community dynamics in temporary wetland ecosystemsDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Parker, DM2016, Small ProjectInsectivorous batsInsectivorous bat monitoring in the Kruger National ParkDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Simon, CA2016, Small ProjectPolychaetesIdentification of polychaetes used as baitDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
View 2017 Data sets
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Dr Visagie, CM2017, Small ProjectFungi, AspergillusUpdating the taxonomy of Aspergillus in South AfricaDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Dr Visagie, CM2017, Small ProjectFungi, PenicilliumUpdating the taxonomy of Penicillium in South AfricaDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Parker, D2017, Small ProjectMammals, BatsInsectivorous bat monitoring in the Kruger National ParkDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Dames, J2017, Small ProjectMycorrhizza (Fungi, plants)Assessing orchid mycorrhizal associations and fungal diversityDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data
Prof Oosthuizen, M2017, Small ProjectBacterial pathogenCataloguing zoonotic tick-borne bacterial pathogen strain diversity in wild rodent species in rural South AfricaDownload FBIP DataDownload GBIF Data