Jun 21, 2019 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
Cape Town – A study, using genetic analysis, on the invasive Asian green mussel in South Africa has turned earlier reports on their head with an unexpected discovery. Biological invasions pose a significant threat to South Africa’s ecosystems and the services such as...
Mar 27, 2018 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
Studies on South African marine invasive species have neglected key phases of the invasion process, a SeaKeys systematic review has shown. According to Stellenbosch University researcher and co-author on the study, Dr Tammy Robinson, invasion biology (until recently)...
Mar 15, 2018 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
A highly invasive ‘ecosystem engineer’ is gaining ground at Zandvlei Estuary in Cape Town, a study linked to the SeaKeys project has shown. Over a period of 25 years the alien reef-building polychaete Ficopomatus enigmatus (AKA the Australian tubeworm) population has...