- We have to report to the National Research Foundation (NRF), Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) Board on the FBIP, including grants awarded, data sets submitted, and progress against targets.
- If projects run over time, or do not deliver, this jeopardises the whole programme.
- Experience has shown us that if a project is not very carefully planned it is very unlikely to deliver or be completed on schedule, or the quality of the outputs will be poor.
- The work plan may also include details that allow an assessment of the extent (scale) of the project.
Feasibility: Work plan and budget…
Details of what you will do to achieve each objective –
- How it will be done – what approach will you use to achieve each objective?
- A survey?
- An experiment?
- Examination of specimens in a collection?
- A comparative study?
- Think carefully about the design of the study to ensure that this is scientifically sound and will deliver the required data.
- How many samples will be collected/examined/analysed?
- Where will these samples/specimens come from from?
- If a survey is proposed where will sampling be carried out?
- What equipment/methods will be used?
- What type of analyses will be done?
- Don’t just list the names of statistical tests without really understanding what their purpose is
- What question will you be answering that needs an analysis?
- Don’t just list the names of statistical tests without really understanding what their purpose is
- Who will do what in each activity?
- Is the required expertise/capacity there?
- When will it be done (start and end). Is this time frame realistic?
- Make sure that each objective has activities in the work plan.
- Budget should be detailed and realistic.
- Don’t inflate items/costs – it will be picked up by the panel.
Feasibility: The Budget… (add pics?)
- Once you know exactly:
- What needs to be done?, and
- When it will be done?, and
- Who needs to be involved?
- Then you can work out what you will need to do (execute) the project.
- Make a list of all equipment needed, and from that what you already have or can borrow, and what will need to be bought. What chemicals and approximately how much?
- Work out how many kilometers will need to be traveled…
- How many nights accommodation will be needed
- How many people will be involved in field work
- What equipment?
- How many of each item?
- How many samples need sequencing?
- How much will each sequence cost?
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