- Do you need collecting permits? From who?
- Will you be working on private or communal land? How will you get the permission and support from those whose land you want to work on?
- Will you be interviewing people or using their knowledge? (Prior informed consent and ethics approval required)
- Threatened or rare species? (permits needed to collect, possess, move, export, receive, donate)
- What is the projected impact of sampling on biodiversity/the environment? Can you minimize the negative impacts?
- Will you be sending any material out of the country for analysis? (export permits, Material Transfer Agreement, Benefit Sharing Agreement)
- What will you do with all the material you collect? (deposit in a herbarium or museum?)
- What will you do with your data when you have finished the study?
- Is there any risk of spreading (or catching) disease? (Department of Agriculture Section 20 permit required for most work involving animals or disease agents)
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