Mar 15, 2018 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
A highly invasive ‘ecosystem engineer’ is gaining ground at Zandvlei Estuary in Cape Town, a study linked to the SeaKeys project has shown. Over a period of 25 years the alien reef-building polychaete Ficopomatus enigmatus (AKA the Australian tubeworm) population has...
Feb 28, 2018 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
A study on the taxonomy of a pharmaceutically important brown algae has highlighted the challenges of integrating historical taxa into the era of modern DNA-based taxonomy. A group of South African and international algae experts, led by Christophe Vieira from Ghent...
Feb 16, 2018 | News, sustainability, Uncategorized
A parasitic copepod previously known only from Luderitz Bay in Namibia has been found on the coast of the Cape Peninsula, according to a SeaKeys study. “This discovery is the first record of any siphonostomatoid copepod infecting an invertebrate host in South Africa,”...
Jan 31, 2018 | News, sustainability
Genypterus capensis, commonly known as Kingklip, is one of South Africa’s most valuable marine resources. At present the fish, which belongs to the cusk-eel family, is caught as a by-catch of the Cape hake trawling and longline fisheries. In economic and perhaps...
Jan 31, 2018 | News, sustainability
There are countless ways to describe planet earth. One could describe it in relation to other planetary objects like the moon in the branch of science called astronomy. We could also describe it in terms of its smallest components, called ‘quarks’ by physicists....