It’s spawning season and approximately 1 million fish eggs have just been released into the surf near Cape Padrone on the South East coast of South Africa. After a few days, the first egg hatches – larvae need to fend for themselves amid countless sea...
The unique freshwater biodiversity of South Africa is under increasing pressure from multiple impacts including global climate change, habitat degradation, hydrological modification through excessive water abstraction, as well as the spread of invasive species. The...
The Foundational Biodiversity Information Programme’s (FBIP’s) sixth Large Grant project focusing on the Waterberg region in Limpopo Province is in full swing as several taxon teams started combing the region’s landscape for scores of specimens that will put the...
Cape Town – The FBIP Waterberg Biodiversity Project’s freshwater fish team has added new biodiversity knowledge to our understanding of the Waterberg region through its discovery of two species not previously recorded in the Welgevonden Game Reserve. The...