SA legless skink taxonomically ‘demoted’
Cape Town – The Variegated legless skink has been taxonomically ‘demoted’. Once a valid described species, its position on the tree of life is now less prominent since its designation as a taxonomic ‘synonomy’. Skinks (family Scincidae) are the most diverse group of...
Maloti minnow: Tables turn on ‘extinct’ status
Cape Town – A recent FBIP-funded endeavour has turned the tables on the conservation status of a freshwater stream fish, the Maloti minnow, thought to be extinct. Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Freshwater Ecologist Skhumbuzo Kubheka presented his finding to a recent Symposium...
Mammal data unlocked for Karoo ‘shale gas’ region
Key points Additional data provided to inform conservation in the Karoo regionNew data provides insight on endemism in the KarooPotential undocumented diversity within Karoo small mammal groupsRange extensions and declines in Karoo small mammals based on IUCN...