Save the dates: First Thursdays of each month
16h00 (UTC + 2) Starting 3 June 2021
We want to hear about your systematics and evolutionary biology research!
In place of the SASSB XV conference, the Southern African Society for Systematic Biology will be presenting a free webinar series hosted by FABI to enable sharing of systematic research, both local and international, and to offer an online discussion space.
Format: each session will be a mini-symposium comprising an invited talk, followed by one or two 15-min talks by local postgrads or researchers. After the talks and a Q&A session, the online space will be held open for an informal discussion.
To register, please go to the events main page and click on ‘Registration’. Links to the session will be distributed following registration, so be sure to sign up!
First Webinar: 3 June 2021 @ 16h00
Theme: Dating trees with fossils
Invited speaker: Dr. Seraina Klopfstein, Curator of Entomology, Natural History Museum Basel, Switzerland.
Other speakers: to be announced.
Other speakers: this is a call for postgraduate or other speakers who wish to present at future sessions. Please submit a proposed title here.
For a line-up of themes and keynote speakers, visit the SASSB website or the FABI event page.
Enquiries/suggestions? Please email
Remember to save the dates! (first Thursday of each month)